Linda started quilting prior 1999. She wanted to learn to quilt but was intimidated. She enrolled in a kid's quilting class and was hooked. The Name Dogpatch comes from Alan. He grew up in the small WV town of Sylvester, in Packs Branch Hollar but everyone knows it as Dogpatch Hollar. His email is DogpatchWV @ The name made for a good quilting business name..Dogpatch Quilting offers longarm quilting services for that special heirloom quilt. “Call me about making your pieced quilt top special and I will quilt it for you." “Like” us on Dogpatch Quilting Facebook. Text for assistance 336-473-1765 or eMail Linda at
April 2018 brought a new Longarm to our home. A Gammill Statler with a 30 inch throat. It allows more options for quilting, more designs and happiness. Since I have acquired another Gammill Statler.
We love our customers, so feel free to call for an appoint to visit. 336-473-1765